Monday, November 4, 2013

Every Step Counts, Don't Loose Focus

An aspiration of mine is to be able to play every instrument known to man. I currently play the violin, I'm functional with guitar, I can do a little with the piano, and I'm learning to play drums. This isn't very impressive and last night I was thinking about how much more skilled I would be if I paid attention in my music theory courses. Throughout my four years in orchestra, we were required to take music theory courses. Music theory was extremely boring to me, so I never paid much attention. I knew just enough to pass my test and quizzes. I felt my skill was greater than my classmates because I could play by ear, therefore I had no need to read music. After four years of playing violin, a year of guitar and piano, I still cannot read music. Even though I can play by ear, my ignorance in music theory tremendously limits my potential of playing every instrument. Furthermore, I want to write music. I sat down about a month ago trying to write a song and was stuck. Not because I couldn't play it, but because I don't know enough about how it is constructed to be able to write it. Recently, I decided that I was going to go back and learn the basics. So I signed up to take a music theory course. The first three classes focused on the staff, bass clef, treble clef, note values, and identifying notes. (This means nothing to you if you don't understand music. That's okay, it will all make sense in a moment). After lesson three I began to say, this is foolish. I have a good enough understanding of this stuff I just need to jump to learning how to sight read. When I tried, I failed miserably. I was then forced to go back to the basics. What I thought was boring, and not important was actually an essential building block of my dream. 

I had to opportunity to meet India Arie a week ago. Anybody who knows me knows how big of a deal this was for me. We had a conversation about what I was doing with my life, lessons she's learned etc. That was amazing and her wisdom is beyond words. However, one thing that stood out to me the most was during her concert that night before we met when she thanked her guitar teacher who was on tour with her. That blew my mind. I thought, India Arie, the most influential artist of Neo-Soul music, took guitar lessons? More importantly, she is still taking guitar lessons? If SHE is still taking lessons, who am I to think I am too good for them? 

I say all of this to say that you have a dream, a goal, and an aspiration for your life. However, there are some steps that you have tried to skip in order to get there faster. I want to encourage you and let you know that every step counts. Skipping the fundamentals is like trying to be successful in Calculus III without learning how to multiply and divide. Every step of your journey wont be fun, but every step will be worth it if you don't give up. You will make it to your destination faster if you follow the directions of the gps than you will if you try to take short cuts and end up lost. 

Also realize that the person you look up to most, was once sitting in your shoes learning the same basics that you are learning now. More importantly, some of the people you aspire to be like may still be studying some of the things that you feel are a waste of time. There's purpose in the small steps as well, don't miss it. 
It doesn't matter what your dream is. It may not be music, it may be sports. It may be becoming an attorney but you don't see the purpose of the math course you must take in undergrad, or the course you must take it law school. Johnny Cochran took that course too. You may want to be an author but you do not see the importance of reading books that you are not interested in. You can learn a lesson from anything in life. Maya Angelo, Edgar Allen Poe, Charles Dickens, & Dr. Seuss probably read things they didn't necessarily enjoy as well. You want to be a doctor but don't see the point of the organic chemistry course you have to take because you want to be a gynecologist but it is all important. You want to be a soldier but don't want to wake up at 4 am for 6 mile runs, it is all important. Whatever it is that you desire to do in life, pay attention to and value learning the basic skills you need. If you skip them now you may end up having to come back to the beginning and taking the steps you tried to skip. 

Your dreams are attainable. You just have to do the work. 

All of the steps on the staircase to purpose are equally important. Don't miss any.  

Be Blessed, 

DeeDee Henderson

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