Friday, September 6, 2013

Don't Give Up on God

Earlier this week I woke up feeling like giving up. This journey to healing that I am on has been a rough one to say the least. Even more than rough, it has been extremely rewarding. However, often times while we are going through the rough patches of life we forget about all of the rewards and blessing we have received along the journey. Sunday-Tuesday of this week were very painful for me. I had a medical emergency that caused me to doubt God to question if I was really walking into healing or if he had lied ("God is not a man that He should lie or a son of man that he should change his mind"-Numbers 23:19). Then God reminded me of the Children of Israel. They complained and cried out to God from Egypt and then when they were freed and going through the wilderness they complained and cried out to God for Him to supply their needs. God answered their prayer, allowed water to flow from a rock, manna to fall from heaven, etc. However, as soon as they got hungry again they began to doubt God and forgot what He had just done for them before. This is where I was earlier this week. Not only had God spared my life on countless occasions along this journey where doctors doubted me making it, but He promised me from the beginning that "By His stripes we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5-6).

I don't know what promise of God you are standing on in this season of your life. You may be expecting God to enlarge your territory and push your business into success, you may be standing on the promise of God supplying all of your needs, you may need God to help you walk in Joy and give you peace, etc. Whatever it is, you've seen Him do it before, if not in your life in someone else's. If God has done it before, He can do it again. If He has done it for someone else He can do it for you. He is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). He's the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Don't give up on God or throw in the towel. Just like He did with the Children of Israel, He made a way out of noway and stuck to the promise that He made EVERYTIME. 

My promise was the promise of healing and I almost allowed my pain to keep me from having faith in the promise. Thursday, God wowed the doctors again and took away all the pain I was having and fixed everything else that was going on in my body at the time. There is NOTHING to big for God. Just be patient and keep the faith. Trust me, God will come through. 

None of the things that you are going through in your life are just for you. God has to allow certain things to happen in His children's lives so that UNBELIEVERS have no choice but to recognize his miraculous power. Me getting sick wasn't just for me, it was so that someone else will see the mighty hand of God healing me when doctors couldn't even figure out what was wrong. You not being able to pay your bills and God coming through and miraculously making everything work in your favor isn't just for you, its so his power may be displayed. 

When Paul and Silas were thrown in prison it was not for them or because they did anything wrong. It was because God needed a greater platform to display His power. Also, don't beat yourself up when things go wrong in your life and think that God is always punishing you for something as I once thought (John 9:1-3). 

Your life is a platform for miracles that will cause others to come to the knowledge of Christ. So DON'T GIVE UP! 

If He promised it, He will fulfill it. 

Love you!


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